Sunday, June 24, 2012

English Nursery Rhymes

Magnus is learning all sorts of songs from his pre school class, and so am I for that matter.  The teachers at his school are mostly from the UK and they use a slightly different set of songs than what I grew up with.

For example...

  • Once I Caught a Fish Alive: We first sang this song together at a mom+tot class at the mall.  He didn't seem to like it that much at the time, but now he loves it and sings the whole song for us.  He especially likes to show us his pinky finger

  • Wind the Bobbin Up: this one stumped us for days.  Magnus told me the name of the song but I couldn't understand what he was saying.  My best guess was "Why the bump and roll".  Magnus actually started to enjoy keeping us in the dark, and he would do all the actions, but he would only mouth the words. 

    Most of the other songs he does I've heard of before - twinkle twinkle little star, the wheels on the bus, and many more.  I love school. :)

    1 comment:

    1. Yes,we were like what is he doing,what song is that?And because the song is quite long ,and i do not know this song,it was really fun to see him doing it ,and his facial expression is super cute!
      Finally mommy found it out from MISS ALLYSON!
