Thursday, January 24, 2013

Maya Watching

I've taken a lot of videos of Maya recently.  She's at a stage where I have more an more confidence in her ability to balance, reach, crawl, stand, and put everything in her mouth.  On the other hand, she's getting good at pushing her boundaries.  On three separate occasions I have taken my attention off her for less than 30 seconds and then found her standing up serenely at the top of the stairs (approx 7 steps up.)  Obviously I don't have any videos of that, but I have lots of her interacting with Magnus, getting mad, and figuring out a way to climb out of her bumbo chair.  We love watching her, even if it means a little bit of destruction (say bye-bye to my copy of pride and prejudice as I type this.)

Hope you enjoy watching her as much as we do!

(BTW, she just started getting her teeth this past week - bottom-front-left tooth and top-front-left tooth.  Now she can gnash her two little teeth in fury!)

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