Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What Magnus Said Recently

Not a day goes by where Magnus doesn't say something that makes us laugh and wonder at his ongoing language and personality developments.  

Old hat at negotiating:
Gina: 3 more times, Magnus, and then no more.
Magnus: 10 more times!

An inadvertent snappy comeback:
Magnus: Want yogurt!  Want yogurt! 
Kendrick: Ok you can have all the yogurt you want…. in your head!
Magnus: Don't want it in your head, want it in your mouth!

Learning how to escalate demands:
Magnus: No thank you, don't want mommy to talk to <Po-po/Gong-gong/Daddy>
Gina: That's a nice way of asking Magnus, but sometimes mommy needs to talk to <Po-po/Gong-gong/Daddy>
Magnus: Don't want Mommy to talk to… peeeople!

Mastering the guilt trip:
Gina: Did you run at school today?
Magnus: Nope!  Only cryyyying.

Talking to Maya:
Magnus: OK Maya!  Now it time for milk!
Magnus: <undecipherable> Maya. <undecipherable> Maya. <undecipherable> Maya.

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