Sunday, April 22, 2012

Love Me, I'm Fat

When Maya was born I was really nervous about handling her because of her tiny-ness.  1.5 months later, she is a hefty little girl with rolls and rolls of baby fat.

Today I noticed that she was wearing the same outfit she wore for the video I took when she was only 6 days old.  Here are the two videos side by side.. compare the difference!!

Taken reverse chronologically, you'd think this was a weightwatchers ad!  I don't actually know how much Maya weighs right now, but I'm guessing around 10-11 pounds - in other words double her birth weight.  Her dimples are not as prominent as before, but they are still there and I hope to see them more often once she learns how to laugh!


  1. Love ME, I'm faaaat -- hahah dieting for the Florida beaches...Maya -- I hope to be skinnier than you when we meet !!

  2. AAAWWWW...Maya, LOVE YOU. Can't wait to see you!!!
    Auntie Goldie
