Thursday, May 15, 2014

Spring, Toronto, and the Mind of a 4-year-old

As most of you already know, we are expecting our third baby, a boy, in July.  This put a big crimp on our regular plan to visit Canada during the summer.  So instead, Kendrick and I decided that I would bring the kids to Toronto for the months of April and May, and spend the <gulp> summer in Dubai.

The trip has been a real treat for Magnus and Maya, who have now experienced snow, rain, and the threat of tornadoes (which fizzled into a normal rainstorm).  They have also reconnected with friends and family, and feasted on the best food prepared lovingly by their grandparents.  

Youtube is filled with little videos cataloguing M&M's day by day antics, but I thought I would mention a few more things that I have really enjoyed talking to Magnus about as his little four year old mind develops in interesting ways every day.

He's interested in geography.  He wants to know how long it takes to fly to places, particularly places he's seen in his favourite movies (Cars 2 and Planes) and his favourite video game (Asphalt 8).  He wants to know if we can fly to Nevada, or the Great Wall of China, and how long it would take.  He likes looking at the globe we have in the basement and looking at Iceland, and Nevada, Canada, and Dubai.

He's intrigued by the concept of cardinal directions.  He doesn't quite understand the difference between NESW and left and right, but he wants to learn.  

He very much dislikes "the statue of the person sitting down" on the Great Wall of China.  When he finally showed me the picture, I discovered it was a statue of the Buddha.  His father and I took some time to try to explain who the Buddha was and why there is a statue of him that looks like that.  He really wants the statue to be changed so that the Buddha is smiling so that it will not be so scary anymore.

He told me a few months back that he wishes we could just go through the iPad screen during Skype and visit people right away, instead of flying for hours and hours on an airplane.

He told me yesterday to look at the cloud above his head.  He was trying to show me what his bad dream looked like.  He said it was there, just like George does it.  I explained that Curious George does it that way because he's a cartoon and we can just draw a cloud to explain what he is thinking, but that it doesn't work that way in real life.  Magnus took this in stride.  

He told me that Tai chi is from China from a looong time ago, so it's a fossil.

He asked me how the baby was going to get out of my tummy.  (I told him he's coming out a hole called the cervix - after a good brainstorm with Clem)

He told me that "Jesus" is not just something you say when things go wrong, but it is also the name of Ms. Sylvia's friend.  I told him that when I use the word "Jesus" in that way, it is not appropriate, and I promised to try to stop.

He thinks dress shoes without shoelaces are for girls, and has promised to learn how to tie his own shoelaces if I buy him shoes with shoelaces.  Today was our first lesson.  I learned that he likes to learn step by step, rather than to see the big picture.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.  I'm glad I had this chance to write this down and I'll try to do the same when Maya turns 4!

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