Friday, February 15, 2013

What Magnus Said...

The art of explanation:

Gina: Did you like it when Daddy pretended to be asleep and you jumped on him?
Magnus: Yeah!  I jumped 3 times
Gina: 3 times!
Magnus: Yes, so I didn't vomit! <Kendrick asked him to stop jumping so that he would not get overexcited and vomit, which is what happened last time>

Driving at night:
Gina: When it's daytime, it's sunny outside
Magnus: Yeah, and when it's sunny I wear my sunglasses! <pause> It's moony outside now!

Too much pressure?
Magnus: Mommy, what's that?
Gina: The GPS said, "satellite connection lost".  Do you remember what satellite means?
Magnus: I can't remember what satellite means! <bursts into tears>

Putting the pressure on Grandpa instead:
Grandpa: Now we're in business!  Magnus, do you know what a business is?
Gina: Grandpa, why don't you explain to Magnus what a business is?
Grandpa: <tee hee>

Playing the opposite game with Tristany
Tristany: What's the opposite of high?
Magnus: Bye!

After this exchange, we hastily taught him the words; beard, mustache, and shave
Kendrick: Daddy has to go take a shower now, Magnus.
Magnus: Mommy, Daddy will have no hair!!

A conversation I have every time I do a rolling stop (often)
Magnus: Mom!  STOP at the stop sign!!
Gina: Oh did I not stop?  You're going to be a much better driver than Mommy.
Magnus: Yeah, when I get bigger and bigger, I will stop at the stop sign!

Cue world's smallest violin:
Magnus: No Dad, I'm still sad!
Kendrick: Would you like to go to the balloon store with me?  Would a balloon make you happy?
Magnus: No, a balloon will make me sadder.
Gina: Would you like to get a balloon, Magnus?
Magnus: <sigh> yeah

Every time I talk to visitors:
Magnus: Mom!  Mom!  Mom!!  I want you to pay attention to me!!!

Magnus is sharpening his arguing skills:
Gina: Magnus, Mommy has to take a shower now.
Magnus: No!!!
Gina: Magnus, I need to take a shower!  Look at my feet!  See how dirty they are? 
Magnus: Mom, you can just wash your feet.

A future in marketing?
Magnus: <reading the side of a bag> J B C!  Mom, how come they put J and not A?

A food request:
Magnus: Mom, some people like to eat meatballs
Gina: Would you like to eat meatballs?
Magnus: Yeeeah!!

A lesson in equality:
Magnus: Mom, blue and red make purple!
Gina: Yes!
Magnus: Mom, purple and blue make red!
Gina: No, purple and blue do not make red. 

Using "an" a little too often.  This is just one example:
Gina: That is a picture of...
Magnus: an strawberry!

Informing Maya cheerfully:
Magnus: Maya you are driving mommy crazy!

Kendrick was playing with Maya on the sofa:
Magnus: Maya loves her daddy

1 comment:

  1. These makes my morning,I want more,LOL!
    I would be too sleepy when its moony,LOL!
    Law abidding citizen,did you stop Gina????
    Yeah,why do you have to take a shower when you can only wash your feet ,lol!!!!!
    Keep them coming Gina!!!
