Magnus fell asleep today at 11pm Vancouver time - a great improvement in comparison to his sleep times earlier this week (usually 2am). If I'm lucky, he'll sleep a little more than his usual 5 hours. I'm already on the unlucky side as I am struck by a bit of insomnia, and so, having already perused all the reading material on the dining room table (i.e. grocery flyers), I decided to start up this long overdue blog. I rather dislike all the templates on blogspot but that can wait.
Jet lag aside, Vancouver has been wonderful - family, fresh air, gorgeous end-of-summer weather. We have the most wonderful hosts here with Grandma and Grandpa. I've been trying to get Magnus to say "Grandpa" or "Grandma" but he stubbornly will not even try. He has made a bit of word progress, however, including:
- "Pru" (he liked the dried prunes here so much he mastered this word without any prompting)
- "Mommy" (discarding the former, baby-ish "Ma-ma", sniff)
- "Am" (short for Amir, but this word is already in his repetoire to mean delicious food)
- "Auntie" (in reference to Auntie Clemmie - Auntie Tristany has officially lost her monopoly on this word!)
He's learning lots of other concepts that he's not verbalizing, such as the wail of the police or ambulance siren (there seems to be a lot of emergencies in this part of town). Say the word "Treehouse" and he'll run to the television, rummage around for the remote control, and bring it to each adult until he finds one who will turn it on for him (not hard).
He's also developing some new habits, not all of which are good. For example, he absolutely refuses to sit in his stroller anymore. He would prefer to push it. It's actually the cutest thing to see, but it really hampers the mobility of the group in general and tires out his caretakers!
But where was I? Oh yes, jet lag. 2.5 hours of sleep and counting.. wish us luck!
Before you know it, he'll be calling you 'Mom'